Excel VBA: Create a series of workdays only

Excel VBA: Create a series of workdays only

The Nextworkday(date, optional holidays) function returns the date for the next workday. The first parameter is the starting date you set manually.The second parameter is optional and points to a range with dates you want to exclude from the workdays list, like easter or your vacation.If you omit the second parameter, only Saturdays and Sundays…

Excel VBA – Create and update Outlook Calendar Items

With the Sub UpdateAppointment you can create and update Outlook meetings or appointments. All items must have a unique index to filter on. The sub filters on BillingInformation, a field I rarely use for other purposes. Appointments The appointments are created in your personal calendar. If you want to put stuff in others calendar, you…

Excel VBA: CopyUsedRangeValues – fastest way to copy values from sheet to sheet.

RunCopyUsedRangeValues will copy the values from the sheet with codename shSource to shDestination. It is extremely fast, and very useful when I don’t need formatting or formulas. You can download the Excel workbook at the bottom of the article Usage example The source and destination sheets can be in the same or in separate workbooks…

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Excel VBA: Subroutines for speed optimization

Sub AppOnOff Sub AppEv Sub AppCal Sub AppSc You can download the Excel workbook with the sample code at the end of this Article Sub AppOnOff AppOnOff true – turns off Events, Automatic Calculations and ScreenupdatingAppOnOff false – turns them back on AppEv, AppCal and AppSc turns Events, Automatic Calculations and Screenupdating on/off individually When…

Hour registration in Excel with calculation of time within intervals

If you work from 20:15 to 02:30 on a Saturday, how many hours are in the interval 15:30 to 00:00, and what should you be paid? The function HoursInInterval() can give you the answer and calculate your wage correct depending on it’s a weekday, weekend or a holiday. You can download the workbook at the…